In its first production of Season 9, Dirt Dogs Theatre Co. presents Race, a play that delves into the legal system and its inherent biases. It’s a bold, unapologetic exploration of racial politics written by David Mamet and directed by Malinda L. Beckham.
When a wealthy white businessman is accused of the sexual assault of a black woman with whom he has had prior relations, he employs a multicultural law firm to defend him. As the legal team examines the case, the evidence raises questions about race in America.
The play features four diverse characters, each rooted in their own experiences, as they pursue a shared goal where truth is not the concern. Through this pursuit, we come to understand that our worldview is shaped by our personal struggles and experiences which are deeply influenced by race, gender, and privilege.
In its first production of Season 9, Dirt Dogs Theatre Co. presents Race, a play that delves into the legal system and its inherent biases. It’s a bold, unapologetic exploration of racial politics written by David Mamet and directed by Malinda L. Beckham.
When a wealthy white businessman is accused of the sexual assault of a black woman with whom he has had prior relations, he employs a multicultural law firm to defend him. As the legal team examines the case, the evidence raises questions about race in America.
The play features four diverse characters, each rooted in their own experiences, as they pursue a shared goal where truth is not the concern. Through this pursuit, we come to understand that our worldview is shaped by our personal struggles and experiences which are deeply influenced by race, gender, and privilege.
$30; pay-what-you-can for Sunday and Monday shows.