"Out of Touch in the Wild" is a collection of two-dimensional works by artist Peter Broz that explores the fine line between fear and excitement and how those feelings coincide with our experiences in nature. This mix of enchantment and terror is what peaks Broz's interest the most.
The idyllic version of nature is depicted in postcards, screensavers, and thrift store paintings. As picturesque as these scenes can be, these depictions don’t accurately show the whole truth. Broz finds that the realness of nature is what makes it interesting. Ultimately, this realness is what he seeks to explore in his own art, whether that be interpreted as beautiful, ugly, fascinating, or horrid. It all holds importance.
Despite his reverence for nature, Broz is still wary of it. He still gets uncomfortable when a roach comes anywhere near his personal space. He gets a sense of anxiety walking in the woods at night or plunging into a body of murky water. Yet, these slight feelings of discomfort make hime excited to be alive. It encourages him to really pay attention and not be oblivious to the world around him. He also finds himself questioning the rationality of these fears and how much of it stems from lack of familiarity, learned behaviors or hard-wired instincts. These kinds of experiences are crucial for his own sanity. It serves as a reminder that the world has much more to offer than our predominantly indoor lifestyles that can be simultaneously comfortable and humdrum.
The exhibition will remain on display through February 8.
"Out of Touch in the Wild" is a collection of two-dimensional works by artist Peter Broz that explores the fine line between fear and excitement and how those feelings coincide with our experiences in nature. This mix of enchantment and terror is what peaks Broz's interest the most.
The idyllic version of nature is depicted in postcards, screensavers, and thrift store paintings. As picturesque as these scenes can be, these depictions don’t accurately show the whole truth. Broz finds that the realness of nature is what makes it interesting. Ultimately, this realness is what he seeks to explore in his own art, whether that be interpreted as beautiful, ugly, fascinating, or horrid. It all holds importance.
Despite his reverence for nature, Broz is still wary of it. He still gets uncomfortable when a roach comes anywhere near his personal space. He gets a sense of anxiety walking in the woods at night or plunging into a body of murky water. Yet, these slight feelings of discomfort make hime excited to be alive. It encourages him to really pay attention and not be oblivious to the world around him. He also finds himself questioning the rationality of these fears and how much of it stems from lack of familiarity, learned behaviors or hard-wired instincts. These kinds of experiences are crucial for his own sanity. It serves as a reminder that the world has much more to offer than our predominantly indoor lifestyles that can be simultaneously comfortable and humdrum.
The exhibition will remain on display through February 8.
Admission is free.