The Autism Film Festival, known as AutFest Texas, was created by the Autism Society of Texas to raise awareness by showcasing films that portray life with autism in an honest and responsible way as well as films created by autistic filmmakers. The films will show feature a range of ages and abilities, challenges and triumphs of people living with autism.
The event is recommended for those 18 and up due to some of the content and themes in the films. Due to COVID-19 safety precautions and planning for food quantities at each event, tickets must be purchased one week prior to the event, and no tickets will be sold at the door.
The Autism Film Festival, known as AutFest Texas, was created by the Autism Society of Texas to raise awareness by showcasing films that portray life with autism in an honest and responsible way as well as films created by autistic filmmakers. The films will show feature a range of ages and abilities, challenges and triumphs of people living with autism.
The event is recommended for those 18 and up due to some of the content and themes in the films. Due to COVID-19 safety precautions and planning for food quantities at each event, tickets must be purchased one week prior to the event, and no tickets will be sold at the door.
The Autism Film Festival, known as AutFest Texas, was created by the Autism Society of Texas to raise awareness by showcasing films that portray life with autism in an honest and responsible way as well as films created by autistic filmmakers. The films will show feature a range of ages and abilities, challenges and triumphs of people living with autism.
The event is recommended for those 18 and up due to some of the content and themes in the films. Due to COVID-19 safety precautions and planning for food quantities at each event, tickets must be purchased one week prior to the event, and no tickets will be sold at the door.