In The Great American Trailer Park Musical, the audience is transported to Armadillo Acres, a mobile home community, where a new resident, Pippi (a stripper), is about to seriously shake things up. The trusty “Greek chorus” of narrators; Betty, the landlady of Armadillo Acres, Lin, whose husband is awaiting the electric chair (“Old Smokey”), and Pickles, who is having a hysterical pregnancy, guide us through the raucous and raunchy events that follow. Norbert, a toll-collector, has gifted his agoraphobic wife, Jeanie, tickets to the Ice Capades for their anniversary, but will she be able to face her fears and leave the trailer? Will Pippi’s marker-huffing ex-boyfriend figure out where she’s hiding?
In The Great American Trailer Park Musical, the audience is transported to Armadillo Acres, a mobile home community, where a new resident, Pippi (a stripper), is about to seriously shake things up. The trusty “Greek chorus” of narrators; Betty, the landlady of Armadillo Acres, Lin, whose husband is awaiting the electric chair (“Old Smokey”), and Pickles, who is having a hysterical pregnancy, guide us through the raucous and raunchy events that follow. Norbert, a toll-collector, has gifted his agoraphobic wife, Jeanie, tickets to the Ice Capades for their anniversary, but will she be able to face her fears and leave the trailer? Will Pippi’s marker-huffing ex-boyfriend figure out where she’s hiding?