Ars Lyrica presents Bach, Handel, and Hercules

Photo courtesy of Ars Lyrica Houston

Ars Lyrica returns to the Hobby Center with a morality tale set to music by both Bach and Handel. The iconic strongman Hercules earned his place in the pantheon not through conquests but rather for his wisdom and honor. A pillar of mythology since Antiquity, Hercules faces a familiar dilemma, one that found significant resonance in the Baroque era, when ancient stories were a principal source of moral instruction. Both composers treat Hercules’ temptation and ultimate embrace of virtue with ravishing arias and grand ensembles.

The concert will include Handel's The Choice of Hercules and Bach's Hercules at the Crossroads. Performers will include Steven Brennfleck, tenor; Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen, countertenor; Leia Lensing, mezzo-soprano; Nola Richardson, soprano; and Jason Zacher, baritone.

Ars Lyrica returns to the Hobby Center with a morality tale set to music by both Bach and Handel. The iconic strongman Hercules earned his place in the pantheon not through conquests but rather for his wisdom and honor. A pillar of mythology since Antiquity, Hercules faces a familiar dilemma, one that found significant resonance in the Baroque era, when ancient stories were a principal source of moral instruction. Both composers treat Hercules’ temptation and ultimate embrace of virtue with ravishing arias and grand ensembles.

The concert will include Handel's The Choice of Hercules and Bach's Hercules at the Crossroads. Performers will include Steven Brennfleck, tenor; Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen, countertenor; Leia Lensing, mezzo-soprano; Nola Richardson, soprano; and Jason Zacher, baritone.

Ars Lyrica returns to the Hobby Center with a morality tale set to music by both Bach and Handel. The iconic strongman Hercules earned his place in the pantheon not through conquests but rather for his wisdom and honor. A pillar of mythology since Antiquity, Hercules faces a familiar dilemma, one that found significant resonance in the Baroque era, when ancient stories were a principal source of moral instruction. Both composers treat Hercules’ temptation and ultimate embrace of virtue with ravishing arias and grand ensembles.

The concert will include Handel's The Choice of Hercules and Bach's Hercules at the Crossroads. Performers will include Steven Brennfleck, tenor; Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen, countertenor; Leia Lensing, mezzo-soprano; Nola Richardson, soprano; and Jason Zacher, baritone.



Hobby Center for the Performing Arts
800 Bagby St.
Houston, TX 77002


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