Anime Matsuri, the second largest Japanese pop-culture convention in America, is celebrating its 13th year. This festival will feature over 800 hours of panels, workshops, concerts, a cosplay contest, guests, and Japanese fashion. The exhibit hall expands through most of the first floor of the George R. Brown Convention Center and will include hundreds of vendors and independent artists, a gaming area with PCs, consoles and tabletop, a car show, photography suite, and a maid and butler cafe.
Anime Matsuri, the second largest Japanese pop-culture convention in America, is celebrating its 13th year. This festival will feature over 800 hours of panels, workshops, concerts, a cosplay contest, guests, and Japanese fashion. The exhibit hall expands through most of the first floor of the George R. Brown Convention Center and will include hundreds of vendors and independent artists, a gaming area with PCs, consoles and tabletop, a car show, photography suite, and a maid and butler cafe.
Anime Matsuri, the second largest Japanese pop-culture convention in America, is celebrating its 13th year. This festival will feature over 800 hours of panels, workshops, concerts, a cosplay contest, guests, and Japanese fashion. The exhibit hall expands through most of the first floor of the George R. Brown Convention Center and will include hundreds of vendors and independent artists, a gaming area with PCs, consoles and tabletop, a car show, photography suite, and a maid and butler cafe.