American Neoclassical Ballet presents five spine-chilling ballets based on horror movies. Their program opens with Misery from a film directed by Rob Reiner and based on a Stephen King novel. Next on the program is Suspiria (based on the 2018 film), which delves into the world of a coven of witches that run a ballet company in 1970s Berlin. Closing the first half of the show is Dream Story, a short piece set to Shostakovich's Waltz no. 2 that illustrates the nature of the film, Eyes Wide Shut, by Stanley Kubrick and story, Traumnovelle by Arthur Schnitzler, on which it's based.
After the intermission, is the ballet Crimson Peak based on Guillermo del Toro’s gothic horror film by guest choreographer Kristy Nilsson. Closing the program is another piece inspired by Stephen King's sensation Carrie. It promises to be supernaturally terrifying … and bloody.
American Neoclassical Ballet presents five spine-chilling ballets based on horror movies. Their program opens with Misery from a film directed by Rob Reiner and based on a Stephen King novel. Next on the program is Suspiria (based on the 2018 film), which delves into the world of a coven of witches that run a ballet company in 1970s Berlin. Closing the first half of the show is Dream Story, a short piece set to Shostakovich's Waltz no. 2 that illustrates the nature of the film, Eyes Wide Shut, by Stanley Kubrick and story, Traumnovelle by Arthur Schnitzler, on which it's based.
After the intermission, is the ballet Crimson Peak based on Guillermo del Toro’s gothic horror film by guest choreographer Kristy Nilsson. Closing the program is another piece inspired by Stephen King's sensation Carrie. It promises to be supernaturally terrifying … and bloody.
American Neoclassical Ballet presents five spine-chilling ballets based on horror movies. Their program opens with Misery from a film directed by Rob Reiner and based on a Stephen King novel. Next on the program is Suspiria (based on the 2018 film), which delves into the world of a coven of witches that run a ballet company in 1970s Berlin. Closing the first half of the show is Dream Story, a short piece set to Shostakovich's Waltz no. 2 that illustrates the nature of the film, Eyes Wide Shut, by Stanley Kubrick and story, Traumnovelle by Arthur Schnitzler, on which it's based.
After the intermission, is the ballet Crimson Peak based on Guillermo del Toro’s gothic horror film by guest choreographer Kristy Nilsson. Closing the program is another piece inspired by Stephen King's sensation Carrie. It promises to be supernaturally terrifying … and bloody.