Bert is a documentary that explores the life and art of the late Houston artist Bert Long, Jr., a man who was know as one of the art world's most compelling, creative, and talented artists. It is the story of a man whose early beginnings included the cotton fields of Crabb Switch, Texas and ended up in Rome and Spain.
The more we find out about Bert's journey, the more we share the sense of suddenly becoming aware of the extraordinary determination possessed by individuals from humble beginnings in their search for happiness and self-worth in their pursuit of the American Dream. Bert's quest for success becomes that of the quintessential American.
Bert is a revealing tale that transports viewers into the mysterious realms of national museums and prestigious galleries, providing an insightful look into the fascinating world of fine art, including the dynamics of mounting museum and gallery exhibits and interviews with curators, academics, patrons, and collectors from across the country.
Bert is a documentary that explores the life and art of the late Houston artist Bert Long, Jr., a man who was know as one of the art world's most compelling, creative, and talented artists. It is the story of a man whose early beginnings included the cotton fields of Crabb Switch, Texas and ended up in Rome and Spain.
The more we find out about Bert's journey, the more we share the sense of suddenly becoming aware of the extraordinary determination possessed by individuals from humble beginnings in their search for happiness and self-worth in their pursuit of the American Dream. Bert's quest for success becomes that of the quintessential American.
Bert is a revealing tale that transports viewers into the mysterious realms of national museums and prestigious galleries, providing an insightful look into the fascinating world of fine art, including the dynamics of mounting museum and gallery exhibits and interviews with curators, academics, patrons, and collectors from across the country.
Bert is a documentary that explores the life and art of the late Houston artist Bert Long, Jr., a man who was know as one of the art world's most compelling, creative, and talented artists. It is the story of a man whose early beginnings included the cotton fields of Crabb Switch, Texas and ended up in Rome and Spain.
The more we find out about Bert's journey, the more we share the sense of suddenly becoming aware of the extraordinary determination possessed by individuals from humble beginnings in their search for happiness and self-worth in their pursuit of the American Dream. Bert's quest for success becomes that of the quintessential American.
Bert is a revealing tale that transports viewers into the mysterious realms of national museums and prestigious galleries, providing an insightful look into the fascinating world of fine art, including the dynamics of mounting museum and gallery exhibits and interviews with curators, academics, patrons, and collectors from across the country.