BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival

10th Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival

10th Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival

9th Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival

9th Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival

8th Annual Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival

8th Annual Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival

7th Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival

7th Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: Brewmasters Friday Night Pub Crawl

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: Brewmasters Friday Night Pub Crawl

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: Beach, Brews & Bands

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: Beach, Brews & Bands

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: BrewHaHa Grand Tasting

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: BrewHaHa Grand Tasting

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: Texas Brewery Tasting Tour

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: Texas Brewery Tasting Tour

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: BrewLicious Brews and Foods Pairing

2014 Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival: BrewLicious Brews and Foods Pairing

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: Beach, Brews & Bands

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: Beach, Brews & Bands

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: Texas Brewery Tasting Tour

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: Texas Brewery Tasting Tour

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: Friday Night Pub Crawl

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: Friday Night Pub Crawl

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: BrewLicious Brews and Foods Pairing

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: BrewLicious Brews and Foods Pairing

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: BrewHaHa Grand Tasting with Keg Korner

Fourth Annual BrewMasters Craft Beer Festival: BrewHaHa Grand Tasting with Keg Korner

  • The booth, before the beer nerds hit
    Photo by Darla Guillen
  • Crowds lined up to taste hundreds of local and national craft beers at theBrewMasters Craft Beer Festival at Moody Gardens.

    Photo by Darla Guillen
  • The Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co. crew
    Photo by Darla Guillen

  • NobleMotion Dance's Spitting Ether extends a work that began with light artistJeremy Choate, who died in a motorcycle accident earlier in the month.
    Photo by Lynn Lane
  • The Houston Brazilian Festival's day-long fiesta promises to heat up downtownHouston with live music, performances, food, educational booths, games andinteractive demonstrations suitable for kids and adults.
  • Frame Dance Productions' The Black Space explores the concept of forgiveness andthe dichotomy between the sanity and healthiness of letting go

  • At Eddie V's, every second entree ordered is on the house.
    Photo via Edie V's/Facebook
  • A Monday brunch treat: Max's Wine Dive's fried egg sandwich
    Photo via Max's Wine Dive/Facebook
  • Freebirds' mimosas are bottomless at Shepherd Square, but the margaritas anddraft beer are only $2.
    Photo by Daniel Ortiz

  • Photo by Photo by HarveNYC via Houston Beer Week
  • Art kegs
    Photo via Houston Beer Week
  • Monsters of Beer
    Photo by Lesann87 via Houston Beer Week
  • Photo via Beer Week Houston
  • Photo via Beer Week Houston

  • Galveston's Moody Gardens is hosting the second annual Brewmasters InternationalBeer Festival Friday through Monday.
  • The festival celebrates craft beer and features more than 400 offerings,
    Photo via BrewMasters International Beer Festival/Facebook

  • In the mood for a little exoticism? Try Bollywood Blast at Miller OutdoorTheater.
  • With the changes in media, I can't help being drawn to a film and shows andtells about the nation's most highly regarded paper.
    Courtesy photo
  • Also at Miller this week is Mecury Baroque's "Mozart Under ths Stars." Rain orshine, you should be there.
    Photo by George Hixson
  • David Aylsworth, "Watching Little Things Grow," 2010. The artist is featured atthe Glassell School exhibit.
    © David Aylsworth
  • Mingling pop and opera, Poperazzi opens the 2011-12 Houston Symphony POPSseason.

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