We'll Celebrate in May
Too cold to celebrate? Austin gets mocked for decision to 'postpone' New Year's Eve
First things first: Yes, Texans are babies when it comes to cold weather. Sit us in direct sun when it's 95 degrees outside? We can handle it. Tell us it may rain? We're canceling our brunch plans and staying home. But telling us there is a potential for rain and cold temperatures? We're postponing everything — including New Year's Eve.
On Tuesday, the City of Austin announced that it would be postponing the New Year's Eve celebration and fireworks slated to take place at Butler Park. Many of us, especially northern transplants, had a laugh, maybe posted a sassy status update on social media and moved on. But then everyone else started to chime in with the jokes, and frankly, we're not having any of it. (It's akin to when someone makes fun of your sibling and you're suddenly outraged. I can make fun of my brother, but you cannot.)
First up was Mashable, who started off with this hilarious zinger, "The City of Austin just can't get enough of 2014." The The Washington Post jumped on the bandwagon with a piece entitled, "Acceptable excuses to ignore New Year’s Eve, brought to you by the City of Austin." This from a newspaper who declared Austin was "out" for 2014. The audacity.
And this has led to all sorts of confusion.
If austin can postpone New Year's Eve then I can postpone quitting smoking.
— Mariko Kale (@MikoKale) December 31, 2014So if Austin, TX can postpone #NYE, can I postpone my rent due on the 1st? Just curious as to how time and dates work.
— Jeff Giordano (@giojeffrey) December 30, 2014And hilarious name calling.
LMAO. Really Austin, TX?! You can't postpone year end you rear end! Lol https://t.co/S6knqpjyHR
— LP:TS® Lifestyle (@lptsLifestyle) December 30, 2014Because we just can, Dave.
Could y’all imagine postponing Times Square? How do you postpone New Years? #austin https://t.co/OEwH0TceLG
— Dave Malouf (@daveixd) December 30, 2014This story has made it all the way to Canada. Apparently Canadians think we all look like this:
Austin, TX, postpones New Year indefinitely because of bad weather: https://t.co/lue4oSIfzH pic.twitter.com/89oc1CSZwy
— The Weather Network (@weathernetwork) December 31, 2014And then there was this guy, who just makes an excellent point.
Awww, bless em, too cold for shorts: Austin New Year's Eve celebration postponed due to weather https://t.co/pNnxH9nVJl #austin
— John Turner (@jt1anglais) December 31, 2014(Note to friends in Austin from Houston CultureMap team: At least the capital city planned a celebration. Houston decided not to have an outdoor celebration in Discovery Green as in recent years because they couldn't find anyone to sponsor it.)