CounterCurrent Festival presents Remote Houston

Photo by dabfoto creative

During CounterCurrent Festival's Remote Houston, participants are provided with headphones and a soundtrack to streets, parking garages, churches, and backyards. A computer-generated voice sets participants out on a trail through the city, guiding the group’s movements in real time. People move about places normally unseen, places where humans encounter their limits, places where crowds gather: Houston’s underground tunnel system, back alleyways, dark hallways, unseen areas of Houston, common areas seen through a new lens.

During CounterCurrent Festival's Remote Houston, participants are provided with headphones and a soundtrack to streets, parking garages, churches, and backyards. A computer-generated voice sets participants out on a trail through the city, guiding the group’s movements in real time. People move about places normally unseen, places where humans encounter their limits, places where crowds gather: Houston’s underground tunnel system, back alleyways, dark hallways, unseen areas of Houston, common areas seen through a new lens.

During CounterCurrent Festival's Remote Houston, participants are provided with headphones and a soundtrack to streets, parking garages, churches, and backyards. A computer-generated voice sets participants out on a trail through the city, guiding the group’s movements in real time. People move about places normally unseen, places where humans encounter their limits, places where crowds gather: Houston’s underground tunnel system, back alleyways, dark hallways, unseen areas of Houston, common areas seen through a new lens.



Evergreen Cemetery
500 Altic St.
Houston, TX 77012


Admission is free.
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.
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