BOX 13 ArtSpace opening reception: Soft Power, My Son Is A Saint, My Addiction Machine and Quicksilver

Courtesy of the artist

BOX 13 ArtSpace presentsfour exhibitions opening on July 12.

In Soft Power, Giovanni Valderas pulls from his culture, history and origins to produce three-dimensional paintings that address the artist's tattered relationships with his Gautemalan ancestry. Elements of the traditional piñata are deconstructed and incorporated into these works in order to transform the piñata's original identity of gratuitous celebration into one of collapse and distress. Valderas depicts ambiguous objects, figures and memories in an effort to evoke a sense of mystery and clarity of personal relationships.

My Son Is A Saint draws on family history as well as shared and unshared memories between artist Nick Barbee and CJ Davis. The artists share an aesthetic sensibility rooted in material exploration, a grandmother, a visual vocabulary based in humor and everyday objects, big butts and prominent foreheads. Some of this is genetic.

My Addiction Machine (llluminated Vices) is a probing dialogue that deals with the cause and effect relationships between addiction, habitual behaviors and societal standards. Utilizing an anthropological perspective by combining the aesthetic of technical drafts and illuminated manuscripts, Anthony Suber presents image-based interpretations of addictive behaviors.

Chasity Porter presents an installation titled Quicksilver, which functions as a physical manifestation of the artist's daydreams. Working from a collection of found and seemingly mundane materials such as metal, wood and architectural elements, Porter produces fantastical installations that expand upon the artist's daily experiences.



BOX 13 ArtSpace
6700 Harrisburg Blvd.
Houston, TX 77011


Admission is free.
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