Party Watch
Surreal evening at the Menil brings hot models, cool paintings and crazy hats
What: The Surreal M Penner magazine preview event.
Where: The Menil Collection.
The 411: More than 200 well-dressed Houstonians turned out to view Magritte: The Mystery of the Ordinary, and celebrate the M Penner spring magazine, which features Houston models wearing the latest spring fashions and in poses similar to the paintings on display in the blockbuster exhibition. In proper Magritte fashion, the first 100 guests received bowler hats to wear throughout the evening and everyone got a copy of the magazine so they could compare photos with the paintings. Table on Post Oak provided light bites, including prosciutto-wrapped cantaloupe and salted caramel truffles, accompanied with white wines from the Nice Winery.
Who: M Penner owners Murry and Karen Penner, Josh Penner, Judy Penner, Claudia and John Falk, Corky and Belinda Hillhouse, Scott and Kimberly Bailey, Darryl Thomas, Laura and Michael Umansky, Dr. Stuart Weil, Naveen Jaggi, Anuja Jhingran, Desiree Edge, Andrew Nguyen, Tomas Wan, Issa Chou, Fifi Phy and Vincent Nguyen.